Friday, April 26, 2013

God Is So Good, He's So Good To Me

Well, after MUCH unnecessary waiting, Mom finally heard back from the nurse regarding her 3 hour biopsy results. First of all, it is cancer. That really wasn't a surprise since the doctor had originally told Mom that she was 99.9% sure it was cancer. But we couldn;t help but hope for a mistake, right? I would think that's just natural. Earlier in the week, Ash texted me saying she just felt like it was going to come back as nothing and asked if I thought that was her in denial. I confirmed it was. But I have to admit that even though the doctor had said that, I had the 'ole "my God is bigger than any doctor" thought and hope it wouldn't be cancer. When Mom went in for the biopsy, they were still having trouble with getting the needle to penetrate the mass. (We would later find out why.) At that point, they told her that "wasn't good." So, that was when I think we all realized it was going to be cancer. No more hoping for it not to be. Just moving on to accepting that it was going to be the reality from here forward. After they did the biopsy, they called Mom back in there to do an ultrasound on the under part of her arm and breast. Near the armpit. That's when we all got nervous. Really nervous. When Mom got home she called one of her best girlfriends who used to work in the medical field to ask about what they were doing. She told her they were checking to see if it was in her lymphnodes. Which would mean it would most likely spread. That had never crossed my mind. I was too worried about being upset if it was just cancer in her breast. I had never considered it could be more than that. At that point, I freaked. I got on my knees and begged God for it not to be spreading. For it not to even be in the lymphnodes. Begged like I never have before. Then came the waiting. Thursday came and went with no news. Great. Just what we needed. So when we finally received the news, it was a huge relief! The nurse said the cancer tested positive for estrogen which would mean it was hormonal. That was what we wanted since the dr had said that was a best case scenario. Blessing number one!! Number two was that her body has already started building up a defense to fight the cancer. That's why the mass was so hard to penetrate. Because of that, they now need to do an MRI to see where is cancer and where is the defense build up. They are supposed to call Monday to schedule that. Finally, the lymph nodes didn't have major signs saying they have cancer, but they will take and test one to be sure. So next up is the MRI and results so that there can FINALLY be a plan of action to put into place. We ask that you continue to pray that it isn't in the lymph nodes and hasn't spread and pray for speedy treatment. The waiting game is driving us all crazy!!! We feel so thankful to God for our great news, and we will continue to pray for more positive reports to come! Thank you for taking this journey with us in prayer and support!!!! It means everything!!!!!!


Nattie B

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