Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's A Good Day

Well, this has been a crappy, crazy week. I have felt horrible and received horrible news about my Mom and been very busy on top of it all. I haven't been feeling great "mentally" as a result. Meaning I've been really negative and in a little 'everything is so stupid' frame of mind. So, I haven't posted much. I didn't post, because I was in bed asleep as much as possible trying to get rid of the sickness. Still not sure what it was. Felt like the flu at the beginning of the week and just a bad sore throat/cold towards the end. Today has been a fresh start though! The sun is shining, and it is gorgeous outside. Not sure why we don't have any house showings scheduled, but oh well. The house is ready just in case anyone calls! HA scored 5 goals at her soccer game this morning. I ate yummy leftovers for lunch and then got a haircut. I have already even gone to the grocery for the week, and the groceries are put away. Oh, and one tiny detail I forgot to kiddos tonight! Usually Judy has them on Friday nights, but last night was the Daddy Daughter Sock Hop at church, so we switched nights. So we aren't even sure what we are going to do tonight yet, but it will be nice to be kid free. I suggested a movie, but we didn't really see anything we wanted to pay to see on the list. I tried to push the Ryan Gosling/Bradley Cooper movie even though I'm not really interested in the plot. Obvious reasons there. Unfortunately, Chris wasn't really into the plot either. Boo. Oh well. Can't blame me for trying, right?! We may go to a fun, trendy resternaut (that's how HA says it) or something. You know, instead of a kid-friendly restaurant. Because did I mention, we won't have any kids? Oh, right. I already did. My bad. I'm also in a really good mood, because my Mom is coming up tomorrow night for a couple of days before her biopsy. Yay!!! Mom in town!!! We can do nothing when she is here but be at the house and I'm happy with just her company. : ) The Lemonade Stand on Facebook hasn't caught on yet, but I'm working on it. Help a sista out, people! Tell your friends family, neighbors, strangers, dog!! We need all sizes and stuff for boys and girls!!! If you haven't, please "like" it on Facebook!! You can send me a message on the Facebook page if you have things you want to list or you can send an email to either way. Oh, and God is so good, because it is ONLY through Him that I am still functioning with the crappy news about Mom. Guess you really CAN do all things through Christ. :)

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