Friday, February 8, 2013

Are We There Yet??

I've been thinking "are we there yet?" all week, and now Friday is finally here!! It's the weekend, baby! Woo hoo!! The past two weeks have been tiring. Collins has an ear infection and a cold, so she hasn't been napping or sleeping well at night. Luckily, I am someone who can function on little sleep. I may not be friendly, but I'm functioning. One would probably think we have some exciting weekend ahead since I have been counting down the days, but ner. ('Ner' and 'ner ma'am' are my new phrases I picked up while on the ATL trip with Em. Evidently, it is from Madea.) My mother-in-law Judy keeps the girls on Friday nights, and Chris and my girlfriends are off on the weekends, so that's why I look forward to them even though I am home every day. Oh, and I also don't have to cook on the weekends! That is always a happy thing! So, here is my week in review.

I wear a baseball cap more than I would like to admit to. In fact, during the week, I wear one 3/4 the time. Collins loves my hat, so I found this old one of HA's from a trip to Denver to see one of my best friends, Devin. She [Collins] thought she was too cool wearing a hat like Mommy!

Last week when we were shopping for Wren's girls night for Baby A, HA and I found this cute little foam Valentine's house kit 50% off at JoAnn's. This was in the middle of the roof tiling process. lol
And completed. It is glittery, so HA and I both love it! : ) But don't sneeze on it or it might fall apart!!
I've also been working on researching hotel information for our trip to Spain next month!!! #itsahardlife
HA's school hosted their Art Show this week. Here is her artwork that we purchased! I'm not of the look out for a brown, modern frame! I can't wait to hang it!!
Last night we went to a dinner at Richland Country Club for the Nashville area CFAs. Chris studied his butt off for several years for those letters, and after last night I realize just how big of an accomplishment it is!! He's a smart cookie!! I'm not even gonna play like that was a fun dinner. Finance people speak their own language, that's for sure. Thank goodness for my Pinterest app!
~Nattie B

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