Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chickie Treats & Peeps Pops

Today was the Easter egg hunt and Easter party at HA's school. I had to figure out what to contribute for the party and then what favors to send for the kids. In HA's class, there are several other Moms who seem to be big Pinterest fans as well. This makes it more difficult for me when I am trying to pick what fun Pinterest ideas to use. I also kind of try to pick what I think won't be the most "popular" but that I love. Welcome to my Type A AND over analytical brain world!! For the party treat, I chose these precious little chickie(/duckie) pretzel treats. I used my magic Wilton Chocolate Pro of course. I had to practice on about 5 before I got it right, but once I did, they were super easy. I just spooned in the melted already yellow Wilton candy melts into the regular-sized pretzels. I cut orange Starburst jelly beans in half for the nose, and added mini chocolate chips with the point down for the eyes. I completely overbought on the yellow candy melts, so looks like I'll be making more of these for the party at Wren's on Saturday. Guess I'll just add them to my [mental] list. : ) For the favors, I broke my own rule for doing things I didn't think someone else would choose. I will be not in the least surprised if I find out that another Mom sent in the Peeps Pops. They are just too easy and quick to do. I broke my rule, because I am still exhausted from the trip. I was so tired that I gave into myself against my will. Now that, my friends, is tired! I spent entirely too long in the ribbon aisle at WalMart trying to decide on ribbons. They were low, and I pretty much didn't have a selection (in my [unrealistic] opinion). HA was thrilled with what I chose which is all that really matters anyway! Next up this week is my hubby's birthday on Friday and the Easter fun at Wren's on Saturday late afternoon!

Also, I'm trying to figure out the Bloglovin', so follow me on that, please! I learned about it through my friend Laura, and it is the absolute BEST way to keep up with reading your favorite blogs! Esp when reading them on your phone which is the only way I get a chance to! If aren't on it yet, go sign up. It's worth the 5 minutes it takes!! So sign up and then follow mine. That's your homework. lol

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a

~Nattie B (You know, I have a fun signature, and I keep forgetting to set it up. lol!!)


  1. I love the little duck pretzels! And I love bloglovin. So much better than Google Reader!!

  2. Those duck pretzels came out awesome. Pinterest is the best. :)

    1. I love Pinterest, too!! It's so addictive!!! :)
